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Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Most Jogging Ability to Burn Calorie - Charles Livingston Review

Jogging is considered one of the most sports utility to humans, where it proved to be attendance, capable of reducing the symptoms of aging and prevention of human diseases.
So, doctors advised women, in particular, the practice of running where protects against the effect of aging, and preserves the health of the muscles, joints and heart, and contributes jogging in burning calories, making it easier to lose excess weight, and giving women health and fitness at the same time.
As experts warn of a common mistake many of which are located, where considered walking while shopping Sport, equivalent to jogging and benefits, but the truth is that, Sports regulate breathing and change its speed, making it useful for the body, while it does not do the shopping.
One of the main benefits of running for Arab women in particular, that the exercise of half an hour a day, contributes to the protection of diabetes, which has become commonplace in our country, also reduces the risk of high blood pressure.

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