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Thursday, 27 February 2014

Safe Diet To Lose Weight - Somanabolic Muscle Maximizer Review

I am a young man of age 32 years and elongated 172 weights was 5 months before 123 kilometers and is now 106 kilometers and became this way since 3 months fixed on the same weight 106 kg, I wish advice to reduce my weight?

Kyle Leon the author of Somanabolic Muscle Maximizer Answer consultant physical therapy and the treatment of obesity, saying the liquid, first congratulate you on your achievement accomplished and beautiful, which she created for yourself, the reduction in weight to 106 may be taken of the degree of obesity excessive to a lesser degree, a severely obese, and this shift has a positive impact heavily on health , in addition to the influence of psychological and social positive, where he had a body mass index BMI have in the previous 41.5, which puts you in the fourth degree of the agenda of obesity, a margarine excessive, and became a body mass index BMI have now 36 which is the minimum for a third degree of table.

Obesity, and on the verge of moving to the second degree, a chubby; This achievement has been made should be thanking you for your efforts and for the doctor who helped him, and insisted to continue until you reach a normal weight and that at least 75 kg by your height.

But your question shows that you lost about 17 kilos in five months at a rate of 3.5 kg a month ago, and this rate is very good, and agreed with the rates for safe landing weight, but if you're saying that your weight has remained constant throughout the 3 months If this means that you have lost 17 kg in Just two months at a rate of 8.5 kg per month, this rate is very high and is consistent with disembark safe weight, and do not recommend it at all may be the reason for the stability of weight you have, the loss of weight quickly and Build maximized Muscles and generates in the body stiff resistance (as well as the negative impact of other Health in general), and this resistance confuse the normal order of the metabolism and the body's way to burn food and fat storage, that dealing with the human body is different from dealing with the machine, man is not a machine, but an object District his reactions, and the reaction reflex to try to lose a significant amount of weight rapid effects of violent and non-calculated could lead to serious health problems.

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